Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Reasoning Important High Level Puzzles Set 9 Asked in Various Exams for IPPB and IDBI

Puzzle 1
Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

M, N, O, P, Q, R and S are employees of a company. Each of them works in his own cabin numbered 1 to 7, but not necessarily in the same order. Each of them wears a shirt of different colours – Blue, Green , Yellow, Sky Blue, Purple, Red and Pink but not necessarily in the same order.

N sits in cabin 4 but he does not wear either purple or sky blue shirt. O wears Blue shirt but he does not sit in cabin 2 or 6. Q sits in cabin 5 and he wears a Red shirt. The one who wears a Green shirt sits in cabin 7, P sits in cabin 1. S wears a Pink shirt. M does not sit in cabin 7. The one who wears Sky blue shirt sits in cabin 2.Either M or R does not sit in cabin 6.

1. M wears a shirt of which of the following colours ?
1.Green 2.Blue 3.Sky Blue 4.Pink 5.None of these
2. S sits in which of the following Cabin ?
1.5 2.3 3.7 4.6 5.None of these
3. Who among the following sits in Cabin 2 ?
1.O 2.M 3.Q 4.R 5.None of these
4. Who among the following wearing blue colour shirt ?
1.O 2.N 3.R 4.T 5.None of these

5. Which of the following is true ?
1.R-Pink-6 2.O-Red-4 3.1- Red – Q 4.N-Yellow-4 5.None of these

Puzzle 2
Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

Six players Arun, Kamal, Ram, Varun, Yuvraj and Ajay are playing different types of Sports viz Carom, Chess, Kho-Kho, Tennis, Hockey and Badminton, but not necessarily in the same order. All are wears a T-shirt of different colour – Violet, Green, Blue, Orange, Red and yellow.They use different types of mobiles viz Samsung, Lenovo and Nokia but not necessarily in the same order.Atleast two persons use the same same types of mobiles.

The person who plays Hockey uses Nokia. Ajay uses Nokia and wears Green T-Shirt, but he plays neither Carom nor Kho-Kho. The one plays Tennis uses Samsung. Kamal uses the same types of mobile phone as the person who wears a Violet T-Shirt, but he is not a chess Player. The one who is player of Carom uses Samsung. Varun is a Hockey Player and he wears neither Blue T-shirt nor Yellow T-shirt. Lenovo is used by a chess player, Yuvraj is a tennis player and wears an orange T-Shirt, but he does not use the same mobile phone as Ram. Arun does not wear a Red or Yellow shirt. The players who use Nokia play neither Tennis nor Kho-Kho. The players who wear Orange and Blue T-shirts use the same type of mobile.

6. Yuvraj uses the which of the following mobiles ?
1.Samsung 2.Nokia 3.Lenovo 4.Either Nokia or Lenovo 5.None of these
7. Who among the following is a Badminton Player ?
1.Arun 2.Ram 3.Yuvraj 4.Ajay 5.None of these
8. Kamal wears which colour T-Shirt ?
1.Violet 2.Red 3.Yellow 4.Orange 5.None of these
9. Ram is a ………….. player
1.Kho-Kho  2.Chess 3.Hockey 4.Carrom 5.None of these

10. Which of the following is not true ?
5.None of these

Puzzle 3
Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

Seven employees A, B, C, D, E, F and G working in different companies reach their office by a train which stops at 5 stations P, Q, R,S and T respectively after leaving station X.

Three of them board the train at Station X. D deboards at the station next to the station at which F deboards. B does not deboards either with A or with E. G alone boards at station R and deboards with C after passing one station.
None of them boards at station Q and none of them deboards the train at station P. C boards with F but does not board with either B or with D.
E boards with two others and deboards alone after D. B and D deboard together at station R.A travels between two consecutive stations and deboards at the station T. F does not board after E
1. Who among the following board at Station P ?
1.B 2.D 3.C 4.Both 1 and 2 5.Both 1 and 3
2. A boards the train how many station after F deboards ?
1.One 2.Two 3.Three 4.Four 5.None of these
3. After how many station does C deboard ?
1.One 2.Two 3.Three 4.Four 5.None of these
4. At which of the following station does E deboard ?
1.P 2.S 3.Q 4.R 5.None of these
5. At which of the following station do C and F board the train ?
1.R 2.P 3.X 4.T 5.None of these

Puzzle 4
Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H live on eight different floors of a building but not necessarily in the same order. The ground floor is numbered one and the floor above it is numbered two and so on. The top most floor is numbered eight. Each of them likes a different cities viz Agra, Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Cochin, Pune, Kashmir and Chennai but not necessarily in the same order.

The One who likes Mumbai lives on an even numbered floor but not on floor no.8. Only two persons live between F and the one who likes Mumbai. Only one person live between F and the one who likes Cochin. Neither E nor C lives on floor no 1. Only one person lives between C and D,who likes Delhi. A lives immediately above F, who lives on an odd numbered floor.
Only two persons live between E and A. The one who likes Cochin does not live on floor no.1. B lives on an even numbered floor and immediately above C. The one who likes Kolkata lives on an even numbered floor and live immediately above the person who likes Chennai. C does not like Cochin or Chennai. Only two persons live between H and the one who likes Agra. The one who likes Pune does not live on odd numbered floor. H does not like Kashmir. B lives on floor no.4.
6. Who among the following live on floor 5 ?
1.A 2.C 3.E 4.G 5.None of these
7. B likes which of the following city ?
1.Agra 2.Chennai 3.Kolkata

4.Mumbai 5.None of these
8. Who among the following likes Pune ?
1.F 2.H 3.D 4.B 5.None of these
9. Who lives between A and H ?
1.E 2.B 3.C 4.F 5.None of these
10. Which of the following is not correct ?
1.4-B-Mumbai 2.7-F-Chennai 3.5-E-Cochin 4.3-H-Kashmir 5.None of these

Puzzle 5
Direction(1-5); Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H live on eight different floors of a building but not necessarily in the same order. The lowermost floor of the building in numbered 1, the above one that is numbered 2 and so on/ Each of them likes a different fruit, namely Banana, Strawberry, Apple, Turnip, Guava, Kiwi, Mango and Grapes but not necessarily in the same order.

The one who likes Turnip lives on an even numbered floor. Only three people live between who likes Turnip and C.Only two people live between C and D. D does not live on the lowermost floor. Only 3 people live between D and the one who likes Guava.
E lives immediately above A. E lives on an even numbered floor. A does not like Guava. A lives neither on the floor numbered 3 or 5.Only two people live between A and the one who likes Mango. Only one person lives between the one who likes Mango and Grapes. The One who likes Grapes below the one who likes Strawberry.
B lives immediately above G. Only one person lives between G and the one who likes Apple. The one who likes Kiwi lives immediately above the one who likes Banana. F does not like Turnip and A does not like Strawberry.

1. Who lives between H and one who likes Mango ?
1.D  2.F 3.A 4.G 5.None of these
2. B lives on which of the following floor number ?
1.7 2.5 3.4 4.6 5.None of these
3. Which of the following Fruit does A likes ?
1.Banana 2.Strawberry 3.Guava 4.Mango 5.None of these
4. Which of the following is correct ?
1.A-8-Apple 2.C-2-Grapes 3.D-6-Guava 4.E- 4-Turnip 5.None of these
5. The Favourite Fruit of H is ……………………..
1.Apple 2.Kiwi 3.Turnip 4.Grapes 5.None of these

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