Thursday, 26 January 2017

English Important Cloze Test Set 5 Asked in Various Exams for IPPB and IDBI

Cloze Test 1:

A good percentage of the population of India is tribal. The tribals live in the hills and forests of the country and have been little (1) by the (2) currents of the plains. Practically all the states of India have their tribal population. The tribes are numerous, computed to be about 200, some living in (3) regions in dense forests, and others on the borders of villages. Some tribes are (4) to a few souls, while others like the Santhals, run into millions and are steadily (5) in numbers. During the British period some of them were known as ‘criminal tribes’ for they showed (6) respect for the Indian Penal Code. After independence they have been named Scheduled Tribes. Under modern conditions isolation, however, has become (7) and the hill tribes are getting (8). The cultural traffic is twoway. Social reformers are taking civilization to the hills, and the tribes, (9) their old occupations of hunting and (10) farming, are settling in villages, towns and cities as labourers and industrial workers.

1. 1) affected 2) domiciled 3) motivated 4) deprived 5) favoured

2. 1) financial 2) proud 3) cultural 4) unruly 5) swift

3. 1) comfortable 2) marshy 3) wild 4) unpopulated 5) inhospitable

4. 1) devoted 2) confined 3) susceptible 4) related 5) attached

5. 1) constant 2) deteriorated 3) developing 4) increasing 5) decreasing

6. 1) abundant 2) genuine 3) superficial 4) exorbitant 5) scant

7. 1) crucial 2) necessary 3) difficult 4) convenient 5) indispensable

8. 1) civilized 2) demoralized 3) wiped-out 4) entertained 5) reduced

9. 1) escaping 2) with 3) enhancing 4) leaving 5) continuing

10. 1) productive 2) primitive 3) profitable 4) cultivable 5) scientific

Cloze Test 2:

India’s (1) over the past half century since independence has been unique and (2) in many ways. Yet the record is (3) in relation to what the country set out to achieve and could certainly have been (4). It is (5) to look at both sides; the alternative is to be (6) down by unrelieved gloom or unwarranted (7). The fact is that after eight 5-year plans, about 40 per cent of population is (8) below the poverty line. The human development indices are (9) low, placing India at the 126th position in the world table, far below many countries that came into (10) much later than it did.

1. 1) development 2) domination 3) predicament 4) history 5) excellence

2. 1) dubious 2) insignificant 3) desperate 4) special 5) commendable

3. 1) outshining 2) broken 3) disappointing 4) brighter 5) played

4. 1) underplayed 2) accomplished 3) tampered 4) noteworthy 5) exaggerated

5. 1) proposed 2) futile 3) impracticable 4) necessary 5) suggested

6. 1) laid 2) struck 3) cooled 4) weighed 5) brought

7. 1) progress 2) debating 3) meticulousness 4) haste 5) complacency

8. 1) much 2) still 3) obviously 4) found 5) far

9. 1) deplorably 2) admirably 3) surprisingly 4) not 5) amusingly

10. 1) world 2) being 3) independence 4) compete 5) India

Cloze Test 3:
Passage 7
In the thirties and forties, geography was (1) subject in schools. Children spent hours tracing maps and (2) about strange places, peoples and customs. Harvard University (3) its geography department after World War II. A string of leading universities in the United States (4) suit. Geography has been tarred with the racist brush, and no one wants to be (5). David S Landes, professor of history and economics at Harvard University, makes a forceful (6) for geography in his book, The Wealth and Poverty of Nations. Geography, he says, tells the unpleasant truth that nature is unfair, unequal in its (7) and that its unfairnesses are not easily (8). For Landes, there is nothing racist in a geography that links (9) and group behaviour to nature, no one can be praised or (10) for the temperature of the air, the volume or timing of rainfall, or the topography.

1. 1) full-fledged 2) resourceful 3) decent 4) boring 5) famous

2. 1) knowledge 2) drawings 3) ignored 4) learned 5) figures

3. 1) established 2) nurtured 3) intensified 4) developed 5) abolished

4. 1) followed 2) cleared 3) prepared 4) wore 5) filed

5. 1) learned 2) contaminated 3) neglected 4) prepared 5) knowledgeable

6. 1) decision 2) impeachment 3) lesson 4) plea 5) plan

7. 1) behaviour 2) favours 3) sources 4) deal 5) functions

8. 1) sensed 2) placated 3) remedied 4) over-ruled 5) understood

9. 1) expediency 2) sentiments 3) performance 4) acquisition 5) obedience

10. 1) credited 2) implored 3) admired 4) flattered 5) blamed

Cloze Test 4:

Fourteen centuries ago when the world was much younger, the ruler of all India, Rajah Balhait, was (1) about his people. A new game of dice, called nard, had (2) the imagination of his subjects. Teaching them that chance alone - a roll of the dice - guided the (3) of men. All who played this game of fortune lost their (4) in the virtues of courage, prudence, wisdom and hope. It bred a fatalism that was (5) the spirit of the kingdom. Rajah Balhait commissioned Sissa, an intelligent courtier, at his court, to find an answer to this (6). After much (7) the clever Sissa invented another game, chaturanga, the exact (8) of nard, in which the four elements of the Indian army were the key pieces. In the game these pieces - chariots, horses, elephants and foot soldiers - joined with a royal counsellor to defend their king and defeat the enemy. Forceful (9) was demanded of the players not luck. Chaturanga soon became more popular than nard, and the (10) to the kingdom was over.

1. 1) concerned 2) confident 3) ignorant 4) indifferent 5) partisan

2. 1) propelled 2) enshrined 3) captured 4) activated 5) enhanced

3. 1) communities 2) ways 3) abnormalities 4) destinies 5) groups

4. 1) bravado 2) interest 3) peace 4) wealth 5) faith

5. 1) appalling 2) crushing 3) moistening 4) promoting 5) overwhelming

6. 1) apprehension 2) risk 3) problem 4) game 5) destiny

7. 1) deliberation 2) absorption 3) insight 4) hesitation 5) reluctance

8. 1) nature 2) equivalent 3) picture 4) opposite 5) replica

9. 1) prediction 2) concentration 3) manipulation 4) attack 5) fortune

10. 1) devastation 2) anxiety 3) impeachment 4) nuisance 5) threat


Cloze Test 1

1. 1 2. 3 3. 2 4. 2 5. 4 6. 5 7. 3 8. 5 9. 4 10. 2

Cloze Test 2

1. 4 2. 5 3. 3 4. 2 5. 4 6. 4 7. 5 8. 2 9. 1 10. 2

Cloze Test 3
 1. 3 2. 4 3. 5 4. 1 5. 2 6. 4 7. 1 8. 3 9. 2 10. 5

Cloze Test 4

1. 5 2. 4 3. 1 4. 3 5. 3 6. 5 7. 2 8. 1 9. 2 10. 2

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