Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Reasoning Important High Level Puzzles Set 8 Asked in Various Exams for IPPB and IDBI

Puzzle 1

Eight Children P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are playing musical chairs. All of them are sitting on eight different chairs which are kept in a circle and face away from the centre. Four of them are wooden Chairs and four are plastic chairs.

U sits second to the left of W and both of them sits on different types of chair. V sits second to the left of R and both sit on the same type of chair.
T is on a wooden chair but opposite to U. Q and S are immediate neighbours of U.
P does not sits on a wooden chair and the child who sits opposite to P does not sit on the same type of chair.
The child who is an immediate neighbour of W and T sits on a plastic chair.
1.Who among the following sits opposite to R ?
1.R  2.P  3.U  4.Q  5.Can’t be determined

2.Who among the following sits third to the right of V ?
1.P  2.Q  3.S  4.U  5.None of these

3.Which of the following children sit on the plastic chairs ?
1.QSTW  2.QRTS  3.PRUV  4.PWUT  5.None of these

4.Which of the following does not belong to the group ?
1.WV  2.TR  3.PV  4.QU  5.None of these

5.If Q is sits between W and U then who among the following sits third to the right of S ?
1.U  2.P  3.W  4.V  5.None of these

Puzzle 2

There are six boys M, N, O, P, Q and R. They want to go out with six girls S, T, U, V, W and X, not necessarily in the same order. The pairs went to different cities Agra, Ooty, Darjeeling, Shimla and two of them went to Goa. They like different bikes, viz Karizma, Bullet, Passion and Discover. But Karizma and Bullet are preferred by two pairs.

M and P visit Goa but do not like either Karizma or Discover.
R does not go out with W Both of them do not like Passion.
V and U want to go to Agra and Darjeeling respectively. The persons visiting Ooty like the same bike as N does.
O goes out with X to Ooty but does not like either Bullet or Discover.
N goes to Agra and likes Karizma.
Q does not go out either with S or T, he does not go to Darjeeling, he likes neither Passion nor Bullet. 

1.Who among the following went to Agra ?
1.PS  2.WQ  3.OX  4.NV  5.None of these

2.If M goes with S then who among the following went goes with P ?
1.V 2.U 3.T 4.W 5.None of these

3.Who among the following went to ooty ?
1.X 2.U 3.V 4.W 5.None of these

4.Which of the following bike does O like ?
1.Karizma 2.Discover 3.Bullet 4.Passion 5.None of these

5.Which of the following is correct ?
1.O-Goa-Passion 2.R-Agra-Discover 3.U-Ooty-Bullet 4.Q-Shimla-Discover 5.None of these

Puzzle 3

There are five executives A, B, C, D and E. Each has a different hobby viz Reading, Shopping, Singing, Walking and Swimming but not necessarily in the same order. Each executive has friendship with a persons viz P, Q, R, S and T. Each persons has a different profession viz Doctor, Lawyer, Teacher, Engineer and Driver.

Among Executives , there are only three females – the one who has friendship with R, the one whose hobby is Reading and the one who has friendship with the person who is an Engineer.
The female whose hobby is shopping has friendship with the person who is Teacher. 

The Person who is a lawyer has no friendship with the person whose hobby is Singing. S is neither a lawyer nor a Doctor.T is not Teacher.
The person who has friendship with T is a female but she is not D. E’s hobby is shopping and is not a male. A and C are not females.
A’s hobby is swimming and is friend neither with T nor with Lawyer.
B’s hobby is walking. Q is a Doctor and he has no friendship with A. The one who is a Doctor has no friendship with D.

1.The one whose hobby is singing is a friend of who among the following ?
1.R 2.Lawyer 3.T 4.Doctor 5.None of these

2.Which of the following pairs correctly represents the pair of friends ?
1.CR 2.AS 3.DT 4.RB 5.None of these

3.Who among the following is an Engineer ?
1.T 2.S 3.R 4.P 5.None of these

4.Which of the following represents the group of persons having female friend ?
1.T,R, S 2.S,Q, R 3.R, P, T 4.T,S, Q 5.None of these

5.Which of the following is the specialisation of S ?
1.Driver 2.Engineer 3.Teacher 4.Doctor 5.None of these

Puzzle 4

J, K, L, I, H, Z, Y and X are eight persons of a family. There are three married couples in the family. The persons are from three generations. All females of this family are married. K and J are the offsprings of I while Y and X are the offspring of H and L respectively. Z is the wife of I. L is one of the females and she is not the wife of J.

Among them there are three Teachers, two Businessmen, two Athletes and one Painter. Each person has only one occupation. All of them are sitting around a circular table facing the centre. They sit in such a manner that only one of the grandsons of I is sitting between L and J, while only H is sitting between K and Z.
One of the sons of I is on the immediate left of I. Only one person is sitting between L and K,but it is not X. Y, who is not sitting next to K, is also not sitting opposite I. K is not sitting opposite a female.
The persons who are on the immediate left of Y and immediate right of K are not Teachers while X is a renowned Painter. The persons who are sitting next to H are neither Businessman nor Teacher.

1.Who among the following is Teacher ?
1.L and Z 2.X and I 3.K and L 4.J and H 5.None of these

2.Who is sitting between K and L ?
1.Businessman 2.Athlete 3.Teacher 4.Painter 5.None of these

3.Who among the following is son of I ?
1.L 2.J 3.X 4.Y 5.None of these

4.Who among the following sits third to the right of Athlete ?
1.Businessman 2.Teacher 3.Painter 4.Both 1 and 2 5.None of these

5.Who among the following sitting opposite to Painter ?
1.X 2.J 3.I 4.Z 5.None of these

Puzzle 5

P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W and X are sitting in a straight line, facing North. Three of them are not males. Two females sit adjacent to each other. Q is fourth to the left of V, who is second to the right of R, who is not the immediate neighbour of P.

U is fourth to the right of R and is second to the left of X. S is not an immediate neighbour of either X or Q.
S is not male. One of the persons sitting on the extreme ends is a female. T is not an immediate neighbour of either V or U.
No female is an immediate neighbour of U. W does not sit second to the left of P. The immediate neighbour of S are male.

1. Which of the following is a group of females ?
1.QTS 2.TXP 3.SVR 4.UWX 5.None of these

2. Who is sitting to the immediate left of S ?
1.V 2.Q 3.W 4.R 5.None of these

3. In which of the following combinations is the third person sitting between the first and the second person ?
1.PWU 2.QTR 3.RST 4.WUP 5.None of these

4. If Q and R, V and U interchange their position then how many persons are sitting between R and V ?
1.Four 2.Five 3.Six 4.Two 5.None of these
5. Who among the following sits third to the left of P ?
1.W 2.V 3.R 4.X 5.None of these

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