Wednesday, 25 January 2017

English Important Reading Comprehension Set 6 Asked in Various Exams for IPPB and IDBI

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words/expressions are given in bold in the passage to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.

“My God, it speaks” uttered the Emperor of Brazil and the receivr of the Telephone slipped from his hand and banged around. At the other end Alexander Graham Bell was still on line.

This incident goes back to 1876 when at an exhibition in Philadelphia, Alexander Graham Bell was giving a demonstration of his new invention. This strange instrument known as Telephone was to revolutionize life in the years to come.

Bell was born at Edinborough, Scotland. He was a teacher and, was dedicated to the noble cause of teaching the deaf and the dumb. Due to a severe illness, Bell was sent to Canada in 1870, where too he got engaged in helping the dumb deaf to hear and speak. Thereafter, he shifted to the USA but continuted with his work by opening a school f or deaf to hear and dumb.

Bell was fond of scientific inventions and was ever engaged in making some machines in his spare time. While at Boston, he tried to communicate through metal wire. His companion in this work was Watson. One day while experimenting with this instrument, Bell spoke to Watson standing at a distance. Watson was taken by a pleasant surprise as he had heard Bell clearly through his instrument. The instrument was a success and Bell patented it.

Graham Bell had some sterling qualities of head and heart. Apart from being as artist, he was a kind human being, ready to help the needy. He established an institution for the deaf and dumb children. He died in 1922 in Canada. The entire northern America paid him a tribute by hanging up their telephones for a while during his funeral.

1. The teaching activity undertaken by Bell was considered ‘noble’ particularly because…
a) He was teaching the physically under privileged persons
b) There was nobody else in the field of education
c) He was not accepting any salary of that job
d) He was a very famous scientist of his times

2. The words uttered by the Emperor of Brazil suggest that it was
a) Angry b) Insulted c) Surprised
d) Agitated

3. What according to the passage was the contribution of invention of telephone?
a) Interaction between two persons at some distance was possible
b) Rich people were able to communicate with others
c) Graham Bell could converse with Watson regarding invention through telephone
d) It revolutionized human life

4. Which of the following made Bell to invent telephone?
a) His activity of teaching
b) His service to the deaf and dumb
c) He kept interest in scientific inventions
d) Encouragement received from Watson

5. Graham Bell made the telephone call of his invention to the Emperor from the city of
a) Edinborough b) Philadelphia c) Brazil
d) Boston

6. Bell had gone to Canada in 1870 for
a) Treating a patient who was seiously ill
b) Helping the deaf and dumb children to hear and speak
c) Undergoing medical treatment for himself
d) Devoting his full time to his invention

7. Choose the word or group of words which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word printed in bold?
a) Affect adversely
b) Develop gradually
c) Illuminate completely
d) Change drastically

8. Choose the word or group of words which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word printed in bold?
a) Appointed b) Deployed c) Devoted
d) Religious

9. Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning of the word printed in bold.
a) Irregular b) Destroyed c) Reckoned
d) Suspended

10. Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning of the word printed in bold.
a) Admirable b) Disgusting c) Nice
d) Indecent

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words are printed in bold to help you to locate them while answering some of the questions.

The yearly festival was close at hand. The store room was packed with silk fabrics, gold ornaments, clay bowls full of sweet curd and platefuls of sweetmeats. The orders had been placed with shops well in advance. The mother was sending out gifts to everyone.

The eldest son, a government servant, lived with his wife and children in far off lands. The second son had left home at an early age. As a merchant he travelled all over the World. The other sons had split up over petty squabbles and they now lived in homes of their own. The relatives were spread all across the World. They rarely visited. The youngest son, left in the company of a servant, was soon bored left her and stood at the door all day long, waiting and watching. His mother, thrilled and excited, loaded the presents on trays and plates, covered them with colourful kerchiefs, and sent them off with maids and servants. The neighbours looked on.

The day came to an end. All the presents had been sent off.

The child came back into the house and dejectedly said to his mother, “Maa, you gave present to everyone, but you d idn’t give me anything!”

His mother laughed, “I have given all the gifts away to everyone, now see what’s left for you.” She kissed him on the forehead.

The child said in a tearful voice. “Don’t get a gift?”

“You’ll get it when you go far away.” “But when I am close to you, don’t I get something from your own hands?”

His mother reached out her arms and drew him to her “This is all I have in my own hands. It is the most precious of all.”

11. Why did the woman’s second son travel?
a) He was restless by nature
b) He did not want to stay at home
c) He was rich and could afford to travel
d) His job was such that he had to travel

12. Why did the woman’s eldest son not attend the festival?
a) He was not on good terms with his youngest brother who lived at home
b) He had quarrelled with his mother
c) His wife did not allow him to return home
d) None of these

13. Which of the following can be said about the woman?
a) She was a widow who had brought up her children single handedly
b) She was not a good mother since her children had left home at an early age
c) She enjoyed sending her family gifts at festival time
d) She gave expensive presents to show that she was wealthy

14. What did the boy receive from his mother?
a) She taught him the value of patience
b) She encouraged him to grow up and live independently like his brother
c) She showed him the importance of giving expensive gifts
d) She gave him a hug to express her love

15. Which of the following is true in the context of the passage?
a) The woman usually ignored her youngest son
b) The woman’s eldest son lived abroad
c) The members of the woman’s family did not care about her
d) The woman made all the preparations herself since she did not want to burden the servants

16. Choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word printed in bold as used in the passage.
a) Gone b) Quit c) Remaining
d) Disappeared

17. Choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word printed in bold as used in the passage.
a) Filled b) Squeezed c) Crowd
d) Collected

18. Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning of the word ‘Dejectedly’ as used in the passage.
a) Calmly b) Happily c) Willingly
d) Fortunately


1. Option A
2. Option C
3. Option D
4. Option C
5. Option B
6. Option C
7. Option B
8. Option C
9. Option D
10. Option B
11. Option D
12. Option D
13. Option C
14. Option D
15. Option D
16. Option C
17. Option A

18. Option B

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